Achieving the Fox Eye Look: Techniques, Risks, and Controversies

The beauty industry is constantly evolving, with trends coming and going. One trend that has gained significant popularity in recent times is the “fox eye” look. Fox eyes refer to a distinctive eye shape that is characterized by an elongated and upward slant, reminiscent of a fox’s almond-shaped eyes. This trend has captivated the attention of beauty enthusiasts and has been embraced by many celebrities and influencers. In this article, we will explore the various methods used to achieve the fox eye look, including makeup techniques and surgical procedures. We will also discuss the risks involved, alternatives to surgery, and the controversies surrounding this trend.

What are Fox Eyes?

Before diving into the techniques and procedures, let’s understand what exactly fox eyes are. Fox eyes are a specific eye shape that creates the illusion of elongated and upward-slanted eyes. This look is achieved by manipulating the eye’s appearance through various methods, including makeup application or surgical procedures. The fox eye trend has become popular due to its association with a youthful and exotic appearance.

The Fox Eye Trend in Beauty

The fox eye trend has gained traction in the beauty industry, primarily fueled by social media platforms and influential celebrities. Many individuals are attracted to the idea of achieving a more alluring and unique eye shape. The trend has been embraced by models, actresses, and makeup enthusiasts alike, resulting in a surge of interest in the techniques used to achieve this look.

Achieving Fox Eyes with Makeup Techniques

If you’re interested in trying out the fox eye trend without undergoing any surgical procedures, there are several makeup techniques you can experiment with.

Contouring and Highlighting

Contouring and highlighting play a crucial role in creating the illusion of fox eyes. By strategically applying darker shades to the outer corners of the eyes and blending lighter shades towards the inner corners, you can enhance the shape and slant of your eyes. This technique gives the illusion of lifted and elongated eyes.

Winged Eyeliner

Winged eyeliner is another popular method used to achieve the fox eye look. By extending the eyeliner slightly beyond the outer corners of the eyes and creating a winged effect, you can enhance the upward slant. This technique provides an instant lift to the eyes and adds a touch of elegance.

Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are an excellent way to accentuate the fox eye shape. Longer and fuller lashes create the illusion of bigger, more open eyes. By focusing on adding length to the outer corners of the lash line, you can further enhance the fox eye effect.

Surgical Procedures for Fox Eyes

While makeup techniques offer temporary solutions, some individuals may opt for more permanent results by undergoing surgical procedures. It’s essential to consider these options carefully and consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions.


Canthoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves altering the shape of the outer corners of the eyes. By creating an incision and modifying the eyelid structure, the surgeon can elongate and lift the eyes, achieving the desired fox eye appearance. This procedure requires expertise and should only be performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is another surgical option for achieving fox eyes. This procedure involves lifting the eyebrows, which can create a more elevated and open eye appearance. By adjusting the position of the brows, the eyes can appear elongated and slanted.

Thread Lift

A thread lift is a non-surgical alternative to traditional surgical procedures. This technique involves inserting dissolvable threads under the skin, which are then pulled to lift and tighten the desired areas. While a thread lift can provide subtle improvements to the eye shape, it may not offer as dramatic results as surgical options.

Potential Risks and Considerations

Before deciding on any surgical procedures, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks and considerations involved.

Choosing a Qualified Professional

If you decide to undergo a surgical procedure for achieving fox eyes, it’s essential to choose a qualified and experienced professional. Research their credentials, read reviews, and schedule consultations to ensure you are comfortable with their expertise.

Understanding the Procedure

Make sure to thoroughly understand the surgical procedure, including the expected outcomes, recovery process, and potential side effects. Discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your chosen surgeon.

Possible Side Effects

Like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with fox eye surgeries. These may include swelling, bruising, infection, scarring, and temporary or permanent changes to the eye shape. It’s essential to be aware of these risks and weigh them against the desired results.

Alternatives to Surgical Procedures

If you’re hesitant about undergoing surgery or prefer non-invasive methods, there are alternatives to achieving the fox eye look.

Non-Surgical Options

Non-surgical options include temporary techniques such as facial exercises, face tapes, or using specialized makeup products designed to create the illusion of fox eyes. These alternatives can provide a temporary transformation without the commitment and risks associated with surgery.

Eyebrow Styling

One of the easiest and non-permanent ways to achieve the fox eye appearance is through eyebrow styling. By shaping and grooming your eyebrows in a way that creates an upward slant, you can enhance the overall fox eye effect. Techniques like eyebrow pencils, gels, and microblading can help you achieve the desired look.

Cultural Appropriation and Controversies

While the fox eye trend has gained popularity, it has also sparked controversies regarding cultural appropriation. The trend draws inspiration from East Asian eye shapes, which has raised concerns about cultural insensitivity and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. It’s crucial to be mindful and respectful of the origins of this trend and understand the implications it may have.


The fox eye trend has captivated the beauty industry, offering individuals the opportunity to experiment with their eye shape and create a unique and alluring appearance. Whether you choose temporary makeup techniques or consider surgical procedures, it’s crucial to make informed decisions, prioritize your safety, and be mindful of potential risks. Remember, beauty trends come and go, and embracing your natural features is always a beautiful choice.


Are surgical procedures for fox eyes permanent?

Surgical procedures for achieving fox eyes can provide long-lasting results. However, it’s important to note that aging and natural changes in the body may affect the appearance over time.

Can anyone achieve the fox eye look with makeup?

Yes, anyone can experiment with makeup techniques to create the illusion of fox eyes. It’s a versatile trend that can be tailored to suit different eye shapes and sizes.

What are some non-surgical alternatives to fox eye procedures?

Non-surgical alternatives include temporary techniques like makeup application, facial exercises, and eyebrow styling. These options offer a temporary transformation without the commitment of surgery.

Is the fox eye trend suitable for everyone?

The fox eye trend is a matter of personal preference. It’s important to consider your unique features, consult with professionals, and make choices that align with your individual desires and values.

How long does it take to recover from a surgical fox eye procedure?

Recovery time can vary depending on the specific procedure performed and individual factors. It’s best to consult with your surgeon, as they can provide you with personalized information regarding recovery and post-operative care.

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